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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15, in Dawson City

  We're taking a break from driving today to tighten loose screws (our own included) and do a little touristy stuff.  So, what do you do in Dawson City for fun?

You get your picture taken at the Historic Marker

You take a picture of the MilePost in the center of town

You watch a PBS program on the building of the Alaska Highway in the "Alaska Highway House"

You go to the "Visitors Center" where you spend $$$ on t-shirts, bumper stickers, & other stuff you don't need.

  Mostly you just have fun and meet lots of other travelers, all with stories to tell.

We will head out in the morning wide awake and very rested.  Some say we may be able to average 40mph on the trip.  Will post again when we have WiFi.

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